How does a foreign investor or a representative of the foreign investor apply for a visa if he/she intends to stay in Taiwan for a long period? (TWBUSINESS Site)
According to the “Regulations Governing the Application for Resident Visa by Foreign Investors or the Representatives of Foreign Investors”《外國投資人或外國法人投資人之代表人申辦居留簽證之作業規定》, any foreign investor or the foreign investor’s representative who needs to reside in Taiwan for more than 6 months due to business needs shall file an application with the competent authorities to enable the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue a single entry visitor visa:
(1) If the invested enterprise's initial paid-in capital amounts to US$200,000 or more when government approval is obtained on the foreign investor’s application for investment in Taiwan, the invested enterprise is allowed to file an application for single entry visitor visa for two foreign employees.
(2) If the invested enterprise increased its paid-in capital after its initial investment of US$200,000 or more, the invested enterprise may file an application for single entry visitor visa of one additional foreign employee for every US$500,000 worth of capital increase exceeding US$200,000, provided that the additional number of foreign employees shall be no more than 7.