Page 13 - GreenEnergy
P. 13

Item                         Incentives

             Investment    ● Smart machinery: Automatically scheduled, flexible, or
             in smart        mixed-model production lines that utilize big data, AI, and
             machinery / 5G  IoT.

                           ●  5 G:  Related  investment  projec t s  inc lude  5 G
                             communication systems, and new hardware, software,
                             technology, or technical services.
                           ● For investments of no less than NT$1 million and no more
                             than NT$1 billion, either "5% of investment spending
                             deducted from profit-seeking enterprise income tax
                             (current FY)" or "3% of investment spending deducted
                             from  profit-seeking  enterprise  income  tax,  if  total
                             spending spread over three years" may be selected,
                             but the total amount deducted may not exceed 30% of
                             corporate income tax that year.
                           ● The applicable periods are January 1, 2019 through
                             December 31, 2021 (smart machinery) and January 1,
                             2019 through December 31, 2022 (5G).

             Foreign       ● Foreign special professionals who meet criteria are
             Special         eligible for a 50% deduction of total income tax for
             Professionals   amounts exceeding NT$3 million.

             Setting up    ● Companies that set up operations in export processing
             operations in   zones, science industrial parks, or free trade ports are
             industry parks  eligible for exemptions on import duties, commodity
                             tax, and business tax for the import of machinery and
                             equipment, ingredients, fuel, materials, and semi-finished
                             products for their own use.
             Others        ● Companies that use undistributed earnings to engage in
                             substantive investments may exclude the amount when
                             calculating their profit-seeking enterprise income tax.

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