Page 16 - AsiaSiliconValley
P. 16
4. Promotion Plan for Smart Commercial Services in the
Asian Silicon Valley Project
TThe Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) provides subsidies to assist
the innovation and development of Taiwan's commercial service industry,
strengthening its growth momentum and enhancing its competitiveness. The
subsidies encourage companies to develop new commercial service models
and expand the scope of services through smart technology and mobile
technology applications, developing innovative services that are smarter
and more convenient. Subsidies were provided to the retail industry and
integrated service industry in 2020. For qualified applicants, the subsidies
may not exceed 50% of the total budget of each proposal (includes subsidies
and self-raised funds). Applicant may only file applications for projects within
their own systems and the maximum subsidy is limited to NT$3 million. For
"large companies supporting small companies" or "cross-industry alliances",
the maximum subsidy is limited to NT$5 million. Furthermore, the self-raised
funds portion may not be higher than the company's paid-in capital.
Successful Examples of
Foreign Companies
1 Development of smart applications
The cloud computing service platform of Amazon – Amazon Web
Services (AWS) entered a partnership with the Small and Medium Enterprise
Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs for the establishment of the "AWS
Joint Innovation Center, Startup Terrace" in March 2019. It also announced in
the same year that the first AWS IoT Lab in Greater China will be established
in Taipei, and AWS Partner Network (APN) will help customers accelerate the
design and deployment of IoT applications. Current partners include the Industrial
Technology Research Institute, SoftChef, QNAP Systems, CEC, LiteOn, and